Soloar goes up first
Now Celseous, the mother dragon, her egg, and the Golden Mountains
Hmm, where to put all the flames?
Discussing the placement of the Black Mountains
Aria Luna sets the final details
A quick snapshot for a local reporter who’s come in to do a story
The artist poses with the mural complete…
as a beam of light breaks through into the gallery
A week later, time to take Dragon Storm down… Aria Luna spends a moment with her art
And that’s it! What an amazing first exhibit!

as a beam of light breaks through into the gallery

Creating the chain of Golden Mountains that will protect Celseous
Mama Celseous’ egg takes shape
Aria Luna reflects on the completed centerpiece of Dragon Storm
Applying gesso before the pastels color in Deloox
Presenting… Deloox!
DeathFreeze slowly takes shape, directly from the little artist’s imagination
Only half done but already spewing sparks
The first strokes of Copper
Time to start coloring him in
Aria Luna uses a range of pastels to shade in the multi-varied hybrid creature
It wouldn’t be Aria Luna if she didn’t sneak in one of her (many) expressions

Dragon Storm is the first exhibit you see when you walk in
The gallery fills up fast
The other center of attention… cookies and chocolate!
Some of the other young artists join us in selling postcards of their work to raise funds for the survivors of the wildfires
Little artists supporting each other: Aria Luna buys a hand-made fox from a fellow exhibitor
Aria Luna explaining the story of Dragon Storm
Lots of photos… this one with classmates
Another photo with a friend—a designer—who stopped by
The director of the exhibit, Pantea, with all of the children exhibiting their work. Aria Luna is third from the left.